Leadership & Succession works with client organisations to raise the effectiveness of their most senior leaders and minimise the risk of failure of new appointments.  This involves identifying required leadership capabilities, assessing available talent against these and closing any gaps through ongoing, targeted development.

Our approach involves rigorous assessment processes and hands-on development support in the context of leadership coaching, team effectiveness, executive transitions, board performance and high-potential programs.  We utilise evidence-based approaches from a variety of domains, including coaching and high-performance psychology, neuroscience, complexity theory, organisational development, strategy consulting and leadership studies.

Our point of difference is three-fold:

  1. We aim to maximise the tangible business impact of our initiatives.

  2. We provide highly valued experiences in all of our interactions.

  3. We are courageous in challenging and provide advice where appropriate.

Our combination of extensive business experience and market-leading formal qualifications allows us to understand what is required for a senior leader to visibly step up.  Our clients will attest to this.