Leadership & Succession works through a select number of associates who combine extensive top-level business experience, market-leading formal qualifications, comprehensive subject matter expertise and a demonstrable track record of supporting senior leaders in large, complex organisations.

Dr. Ingo Susing

Ingo is a leadership consultant and executive coach who has been working with boards and senior leaders for more than two decades.  As a co-founder of Leadership & Succession, he supports top-tier organisations in the assessment, development and succession of their senior leaders.  Apart from his practice, Ingo has researched, lectured and written on the topic of leadership succession.  He contributed to Australia’s ASX Corporate Governance Guidelines and presented through various forums, including the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD).  Prior to 2009, Ingo worked as an investment banker and private equity manager for over a decade.  Ingo holds a PhD on the topic of Leadership Succession Management from the Sydney Business School, a Masters in Coaching Psychology (M.App.Sc) from the University of Sydney and a Bachelor of Business (B.Bus) in Finance from the University of Technology Sydney.  He is a Fellow of the AICD and is accredited in a number of market-leading psychometric tools.

Elisa Hukins

Elisa is a highly experienced CEO/Executive development advisor, assessor, coach and mentor, who specialises in the science and art of leadership and workforce behaviour. She particularly enjoys helping executives understand and find how to evolve themselves to take advantage of the shifts presented by new and emerging market conditions and contexts, and corporate directions and strategies. As an early graduate of MQU’s Masters of Organisational Psychology program and as a previous lecturer in the MBA program at the AGSM, her effectiveness as a CEO/executive development advisor and coach has been honed over 20 years’ in commercial and scientific settings in the United States, Indonesia, Singapore and Australia, as well as in global, regional and local leadership roles in three of the most trusted professional services firms - Russell Reynolds (where she headed the firm’s Leadership & Succession business for AsiaPacific), PWC and Mercer.

Camille de Picot

Camille is an executive coach, psychotherapist and facilitator with an earlier career in International Marketing based in Paris, Tokyo and Singapore. She enables leaders to grow and develop so they can experience more effectiveness, fulfilment and ease, and as a result, have greater impact in their organisation. Camille is interested in supporting greater diversity by facilitating the integration beyond gender of a masculine and feminine approach to leadership. Camille is a Professional Integral Coach and Accredited Integrative Enneagram Practitioner and holds a Master of Counselling and Applied Psychotherapy, and a Bachelor of Business Administration from ESSEC Business School in Paris. She has also conducted extensive research in the field of health and wellbeing with a particular focus on nutrition, stress management and mindfulness. Since 2004, she has facilitated one-to-one coaching and online and face-to-face training programs and spoken at conferences on topics that include peak performance, health and wellbeing, leadership, emotional intelligence, resilience and flourishing in organisations in banking, finance, insurance, utilities, health, government, education and recruitment.


Dr. Judith Maccormick - Strategic Partner

As the CEO and Founder of BoardFocus Advisory, Judith’s passion and focus centres on advising Boards and top management teams on enhancing their value contribution. Judith draws upon a unique set of skills and experience as an academic, a corporate executive and a management consultant specialising in governance, strategy and culture. As chief consultant with global management consultancy firms and Partner with a top-tier global leadership search firm Judith has worked in, and consults to, leading corporations across most industry sectors as well as government bodies and social enterprises, throughout Asia and Australia. Judith is a published academic and awarded university lecturer, visiting fellow with UNSW Business School, a faculty member and senior advisor with the Australian Institute of Company Directors, as well as a successful business founder, owner and angel investor. At the board level, Judith has held a number of board positions in Australia and overseas including as Director, Governor and Chair. Judith also founded 3 Japanese restaurants in Sydney. She is currently on the board of Beard Season, an early detection of melanoma foundation and the advisory boards of Lineaire, Western Sydney University Business School, and Incept Labs. Judith has a PhD and MBA (UNSW &USyd); Grad Dip Sci (ANU); BA (Soc Sci), studied Indonesian & Malay (SOAS, London U), Corporate Governance (Harvard), and is a Sasakawa Leadership Scholar, Fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (FAICD) and Visiting Fellow & Alumni Leader, University of NSW Business School (UNSW).